Birding in Guyana Tour

15 Days

Discover Guyana’s sought-after and endemic bird species in a variety of key locations

About this trip

A 15-day Birding in Guyana Tour which is moderate paced and great for birders. Guyana is a small country on the north coast of South America but is one of the region’s best birding destinations. Surrounded by Suriname, Venezuela, Brazil and the Atlantic Ocean to the north, it is the only English-speaking country on the continent and home to over 900 species of birds, including many of the Guiana Shield endemics.

With its low coastal belt, hilly sand and clay region, vast savannahs, forested highlands and pristine rainforest and rivers, The country has become a hot spot for birders from around the world keen to see its easily accessible birdlife. Whether looking for the bright and colourful Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, the prehistoric Hoatzin, the Guianas Shield endemic Blood-coloured woodpecker or the magnificent Harpy Eagle, Guyana should be your first choice.

Our expert local and indigenous guides have a wealth of knowledge of the birds in Guyana, their mating rituals, vocalization and habitats. They are eagerly waiting to take you on what is sure to be an exciting birding adventure.

Mahaica River

The Mahaica River in Guyana is such a gem! Flowing gracefully from the highlands to the Atlantic, it’s the heart of many local communities. Imagine fishing along its banks or spotting the playful West Indian Manatee. Let’s cherish and protect this beauty for the next generations to enjoy. Cheers to the lovely Mahaica!

Click here for a video on Birding in Guyana.

Activities & Highlights

  • Bird Watching
  • Sight Seeing
  • Animal Spotting
  • Kaieteur Falls
  • Trail walks
  • Riverboat trips
  • Remote jungle lodge
  • Harpy Eagle
  • Victoria Amazonica
  • Guianan Cock-of-the-rock
  • Iwokrama Canopy Walkway


Saturday – Pick up and transfer from the airport to El Dorado Inn.

Sunday – Take a flight over the Demerara and Essequibo Rivers and hundreds of miles of unbroken tropical rainforest to land at Kaieteur Falls, the world’s highest free-falling waterfall. Kaieteur Falls which was first seen by a European on April 29, 1870, is situated in the heart of Guyana on the Potaro River, a tributary of the Essequibo. The water of Kaieteur, one of the world’s natural wonders, flows over a sandstone conglomerate tableland into a deep gorge – a drop of 741 feet or 5 times the height of Niagara Falls. Here we hope to find White-chinned and White-tipped Swifts swirling over the gorge, and the astonishingly colorful Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock. The Orange-breasted Falcon is one we will hope to see and there are quite a few Antbirds including the rare Roraima Antbird. Kaieteur supports a unique microenvironment with Tank Bromeliads, the largest in the world, in which the tiny Golden Frog spends its entire life and the rarely seen Guianan Cock-of-the-rock nesting close by. The lucky visitor may also see the famous flights of the White-chinned and White-tipped Swifts swirling over the gorge. The swifts nest under the vast shelf of rock carved by the centuries of water, hidden behind the eternal curtain of falling water. We also look for the Orange-breasted Falcon as well as Antbirds such as the rare Roraima Antbird. After a couple of hours birding in this amazing natural environment, we will reboard our plane and continue to Fair View Airstrip. Pick up and transfer to Iwokrama River Lodge.

Explore the trails around the lodge with an Iwokrama Ranger. Iwokrama is home to many bird species including many Guianan endemics. We will look for Capuchin bird, Black Nunbird, Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper, Amazonian Antshrike, Brown-bellied Antwren, Spot-tailed Antwren, Todd’s Antwren, Spotted Puffbird, Green Aracari, Guianan Toucanet, Guianan Red Cotinga, Pompadour Cotinga, Rufous-crowned Elaenia, Bronzy Jacamar, Chestnut & Waved Woodpecker, Gray Antbird, and Strong-billed Woodcreeper. Three other Neotropical species in the Iwokrama forest of high interest are White-winged Potoo, Rufous Potoo, and Rufous-winged Ground-cuckoo.

Iwokrama is also home for many mammals including over 80 species of bats, Red-rumped Agouti and various species of monkeys including Red Howler, Black Spider, Wedge-capped and Brown Capuchins.

After dark we’ll set out on the river in hope of finding one or another of its four species of caiman and listen for night birds such as Spectacled Owl, Long-tailed Potoo, Zigzag Heron or Blackish Nightjar. Using our flashlights, we will look for the eyeshine of snakes including Cox boa, tree frogs and if lucky maybe some of the nocturnal mammals.

Overnight at Iwokrama River Lodge.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Monday – Making an early start, we’ll embark on the Essequibo River and circumnavigate nearby Indian House Island, before returning to the lodge for breakfast. Leave the lodge by boat, birdwatching along the way, for the hike to Turtle Mountain. A well-maintained trail winds through the forest before an exhilarating climb up the mountain to its summit at 935ft (approx. 360m). It takes 1 3/4hrs to walk up the mountain, but the effort is more than worth it for the breathtaking views over the forest canopy when you get there and chances of Green Aracari, White Bellbird or a fly-by of one of five types of eagles. There are many Antbirds and Manakins to be found here as well as the opportunity to see Black Spider and Red Howler Monkeys.

This afternoon explore the trails around the lodge with an Iwokrama Ranger.

Overnight at Iwokrama River Lodge.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Tuesday – Early morning birding at on the sandy trails of Mori Scrub, home of the Rufous-winged Ground-Cuckoo, Rufous-crowned Elaenia, Black Manakins and Red-shouldered Tanager. Continue by vehicle through Iwokrama Reserve, birding for the myriad bird species that frequent the forest edge, including Crimson and Purple-necked Fruit-crow, Crimson Topaz, Green Oropendula, Spotted and Guianan Puffbird, Scarlet and Red-and-Green Macaw, Blue-cheeked and Orange-winged Parrot and Gray-winged Trumpeter. This road is the only north – south access in Guyana and links the country to Brazil. Even so traffic is only very occasional and wildlife is often seen along the road, including the occasional sightings of the elusive jaguar. This afternoon we will head to the canopy walkway where we can birdwatch easily and from this treetop vantage, you can sometimes see Red Howler and Black Spider Monkeys. The walkway has four suspension bridges leading to three platforms, the highest of which is over 30 metres above the ground, and these will allow great looks at a range of canopy species, many of which you would struggle to see well from the forest floor. Amongst the likely highlights are Painted, Brown-throated and Golden-winged Parakeets, Caica Parrot, Guianan Puffbird, Waved and Golden-collared Woodpeckers and Spot-tailed, Todd’s and Ash-winged Antwrens.

The walkway is also an excellent place to look for various species of cotinga including the poorly known and range-restricted Dusky Purpletuft and if there are any suitable fruiting trees nearby, you stand a good chance of seeing this bird, as well as the more widespread Purple-breasted Cotinga.

As darkness falls on the canopy walkway, you may see the White-winged Potoo.

Overnight at Atta Rainforest Lodge.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Wednesday – Apart from the Iwokrama Canopy Walkway itself, you can enjoy wildlife and birdwatching walks on the trails around the area. Another area where we will want to spend some time is the clearing around the lodge, as this is one of the best places to see another of Guyana’s “must see” birds, the Crimson Fruitcrow. The clearing is also a reliable site for Black Curassow as there is a large and growing family party which has become habituated to people and regularly passes through the clearing. Deer, Tapir and Agouti are also regular visitors to the lodge. Hammocks and outdoor benches enhance the lovely gardens which include varieties of heliconias that attract hummingbirds, close enough for the perfect photo. There are also a few feeders.

Serious birders will want to search the undergrowth for the rarely seen Rufous-winged Ground-cuckoo. For those interested in botany many of the trails have the key tree species marked.

Overnight at Atta Rainforest Lodge.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Thursday – Another day of birding and wildlife-viewing around the lodge. Night walks are also possible and something interesting or new always seems to pop on to the scene along the trans-national road near the lodge.

Overnight at Atta Rainforest Lodge.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Friday – Welcome the dawn chorus from the canopy walkway or go on a birding trail before breakfast and departure. Transfer by vehicle through the Iwokrama rainforest to Corkwood where there is a comparatively short trail to hopefully see the amazingly brilliant Guianan Cock-of-the-rock. This trail is through interesting and pristine rainforest and the guides can explain how the plants are used for medicine and other purposes. Continue the journey to the community of Surama. There are an excellent range of species at Surama including the Rufous-winged Ground-cuckoo. During our stay we will hope to encounter Red-legged Tinamou, Painted Parakeet, Dusky Parrot, Lilac-tailed Parrotlet, Guianan Puffbird and a variety of antshrikes, antbirds and antwrens.

Tonight enjoy an educational walk to observe wildlife and experience the mystique of the forest after dark. Make sure to bring your flashlights to look for the eyeshine of the creatures of the night. We hope to locate the recently split Northern Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl as well as Tropical Screech-Owl, Lesser Nighthawk, White-tailed Nightjar and both Great and Common Potoos.

Overnight at Surama Eco-lodge.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Saturday – Rise before dawn for a walk across the savannah and then climb up Surama Mountain for incredible views across the village and savannah to the Pakaraima Mountains. This is not a technical climb but can be arduous, especially after rain, and not for everyone. Your guides will happily offer alternative activities if you prefer not to do this climb.

Return to the lodge for lunch and then take a three mile walk across the savannah and through the rainforest to the Burro Burro River. Your guides will then paddle you on the river for opportunities to observe Wildlife such as Giant River Otters and many bird species. Overhead there are the usual very noisy Macaws especially the Scarlet which is found here in large numbers. Return to the lodge for sunset.

Overnight at Surama Eco-lodge.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Sunday -Return to the lodge for breakfast before departure. Travel south by road to Ginep Landing where we will take a boat on the Rupununi River to Karanambu Lodge. More info Depending on the river level, this trip offers an excellent opportunity to look for Giant Otters as there are several family groups which live along this stretch of the Rupununi River.

Karanambu Lodge encompasses expansive wetlands and savannahs and a 30-mile stretch of the Rupununi River. The number of species found here is much higher than expected given its size with at least 600 species of bird, and over 200 species of mammals. The seasonally flooded savannahs and forests also draw substantial fish migrations with as many as 700 species of fish.

Late in the afternoon we will travel by boat to look for wild Giant River Otters and as dusk falls to the ponds to see the giant Victoria Amazonica waterlily bloom at dusk. Many birds live around the pond including Black-collared Hawk, Wattled Jacanas, Purple Gallinule and the Black-crowned Night- Heron. On the return trip we will spotlight for Black Caiman and birds and creatures of the night. The two birds that we will want to see along the river are Capped-Heron and Boat-billed Heron.

Overnight at Karanambu Lodge.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Monday – This morning we make an early start to an area of rolling grasslands, home to a population of Giant Anteaters. With luck we shall locate one of these six-foot long animals excavating its breakfast from one of the termite mounds that stud the savannah. Though Giant Anteaters live in overlapping home ranges they are mostly solitary except during mother-offspring relationships, aggressive interactions between males, and when mating. Mother anteaters carry their offspring on their backs until weaning them. The savannah offers a great opportunity to get fly Catchers and seedeaters. The ones to look for are the rare Bearded Tachuri and the Pinnated Bittern near the edges of the ponds.

Evening river excursion or explore woodland patches or gallery forest along the river where we’ll hope to find a variety of species. A feature bird for the area is the Agami Heron, the most beautiful of the Herons. An evening walk along the airstrip offers seven species of nightjar and among the grasslands the Double-striped Thick-knees.

Overnight at Karanambu Lodge.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Tuesday – Early this morning after being awakened by the little Chachalacas, we will depart for the village of Karasabai, in search of the highly endangered Sun Parakeet, a Guianan Shield Endemic. Along the way we will keep an eye out for Pinnated Bittern and Double-striped Thick-knee as well as Jabiru, Maguari Stork, Great Black-hawk, Aplomado Falcon, Plain-breasted Ground-dove and Black-crested Antshrike. We may also have another very good chance of seeing the Giant Anteater. After a packed lunch at Karasabai we will continue on to explore a reliable site for the Sun Parakeets as well as other species such as Orange-backed Troupial, Plumbeous Seedeater, Rufous-browed Peppershrike, Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant and Yellow-breasted Flycatcher. Our journey will then continue onwards to Lethem.

Ori Hotel provides the perfect place to rest and relax whilst in Lethem. Whether it is in their three self-contained cabins or ten master rooms that boast air conditioning, ensuite bathroom and WIFI access along with great views of Lethem. Their staff will make you feel like part of the family with your security and comfort their number one priority.

Ori Hotel also has a restaurant that prepares meals influenced by the blend of cultures represented in Lethem; their Tambaqui fish curry is famous. Overnight at Ori Hotel.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Wednesday – Another extremely early start awaits us, as we will be travelling several hours south of Lethem to look for the highly endangered Red Siskin which was thought to only exist in Limited parts of Venezuela but a large and growing colony was found here in 2002. They are fully protected. There should also be time for some further birding in the area and species we could encounter include American Wood Stork, Buff-necked Ibis, White-tailed Hawk, Red-bellied Macaw, White-fringed Antwren, Yellow-bellied Elaenia and Red-breasted Blackbird.

Overnight at Ori Hotel.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Thursday – Transfer by vehicle to the Ireng River. Today, we will be turning our attention to two birds which have seemingly always had restricted ranges, the Hoary-throated Spinetail and Rio Branco Antbird. Both are only found in gallery forest along the Rio Branco and its main tributaries (all of which ultimately flow into the Amazon) and recent agricultural changes have seriously reduced the amount of available habitat for both birds. As a result, the Spinetail is now classified as endangered, with the Antbird treated as near-threatened. To reach suitable habitat, we will travel by 4×4. During the trip we are likely to encounter species such as Capped Heron, Muscovy Duck, Pale-legged Hornero and various hirundines whilst travelling. Whilst the habitat needs of the Antbird and Spinetail are seemingly slightly different (the Antbird prefers taller trees with vine tangles, whilst the Spinetail is possibly a little more tolerant of some human disturbance), they can both be found along a comparatively short stretch of the Ireng River.

Transfer to Lethem for flight to Georgetown.

Overnight at El Dorado Inn.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Friday – Before dawn travel eastward from Georgetown along the Atlantic coast to the Mahaica River through an area that has been mainly used for the cultivation of rice and other crops. This excellent riverfront ecosystem is inhabited by flocks of egrets, herons, ibis, various marsh tyrants, and Guyana’s national bird, the Hoatzin. Guyana’s national bird, the Hoatzin (Opisthocomus Hoatzin) is also known as the Stinkbird, or “Canje Pheasant”. This odd bird is an unusual species of tropical bird found in swamps, riverine forest and mangrove between the Amazon and the Orinoco delta in South America. The Hoatzin is herbivorous; it eats leaves and fruit, and has an unusual digestive system with an enlarged crop which functions as a rumen. It also produces a horrible smell to scare away potential predators, hence one of its local names. The river offers a rare chance to see the range-restricted Blood-colored Woodpecker which has been badly affected by habitat loss in the ‘Guianas’ coastal region. Howler monkeys also frequent these riverside trees. It is also possible to catch a glimpse of the Blood-coloured Woodpecker.

After local breakfast at the home of our boatman we will return to Georgetown, stopping to check out the mudflats beyond the seawall to look for some shore birds. There are always a few scarlet ibis looking for crabs that give them their brilliant colour. The Rufous Crab-Hawk would be a good find as the replanting of the mangroves along the coast has seen a resurgence of this beautiful endangered hawk.

Lunch at a local restaurant before a late afternoon tour on the Demerera River on a private river taxi. The guide will point out famous buildings of the capital along the waterfront as well as shorebirds feeding on the mudflat.

We then continue our trip to see the Demerara Harbour Bridge, once the longest floating bridge in the world at a total length of 1,851m long. We will cross under the bridge and tie up our boat near a mangrove that is the nightly roost for a variety of birds. As the sun sets over the river we will have a cold drink and some snacks (or cutters as we call them here in Guyana) as we enjoy flocks of brilliant Scarlet Ibis, three kinds of Egrets and Herons as they fly across the sky and settle into the mangroves for the evening.

Overnight at El Dorado Inn.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Saturday – Early morning birding in Georgetown’s Botanical Gardens located in the heart of the city. Home to over 200 species of birds including the Blood-coloured Woodpecker, White-bellied Piculet and the rare Festive Parrot. A short walk on the trails may afford glimpses of Yellow-chinned Spinetail, Black-crested Antshrike, Silver-beaked Tanager, Snail Kites, Gray Hawks, Carib Grackle, Red-bellied and Red-shouldered Macaws. Possibility to feed some West Indian Manatees in the ponds and canals in the gardens.

Pick up and transfer to the airport.

Day Today :
Group Discount



  • Airport transfers
  • Double or twin accommodation
  • Meals as listed
  • All road & river transfers
  • Internal flights
  • Activities as described
  • Local guides
  • Value Added Tax
  • Kaieteur National Park Fee
  • Iwokrama Forest User fee
  • Iwokrama Canopy Walkway Fee

Not Included

  • Items of personal nature
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Visas
  • Departure tax

Terms & Conditions

At all times the decision of the company or its representative will be final on all matters likely to endanger the safety, well being and enjoyment of the tour. Clients must at all times strictly comply with the laws, customs, foreign exchange and drug regulations of all countries visited. Should the client fail to comply with the above or commit any illegal act when on tour or, if in the company’s opinion, the client behaviour causes or is likely to cause danger, distress or annoyance to others we may terminate that client’s travel arrangements without any liability on the company’s part.

The client must be in possession of a valid passport (valid 6 months past the return date), visa (where necessary), permits and certificates including vaccinations certificates, insurance policies required for the journey – the client accepts the responsibility of obtaining these. Any information or advice given by the company on visas, vaccinations, clothing, special equipment, baggage, climate, etc. is given in good faith but without responsibility on the part of the company.

You have selected a tour that is, in part, in remote areas. This adds to the adventure and opportunity to enjoy a true nature experience. However, due to the nature of the terrain, weather, road conditions, and other elements beyond our control, some elements of tours may have to be altered. Times of some activities may need to change or even cancelled due to the conditions. If an activity is cancelled it will be replaced with an alternative activity that is more appropriate for the conditions. Advance notice will be given for any changes where possible, although at times changes may be made whilst the tour is in progress.

With any trip involving wildlife, it is impossible to guarantee a sighting, but each trip is designed around known habitats. Wilderness Explorers will make every effort to ensure a sighting, but cannot be held responsible if no sighting is made due to the wildlife itself, weather, or any other elements beyond our control.

Many of the areas to be visited are remote and cultures of the people most likely different from what you are accustomed to. These communities welcome visitors under the conditions that their customs, habits and rituals are respected at all times. Wilderness Explorers will endeavour to provide appropriate guidance to visitors as to correct behaviour whilst in these communities. The company reserves the right to cancel a visitor’s tour, at any time, should their behaviour be inappropriate and offensive to the local communities.

Nature and adventure travel is by character, an activity that requires travelling in areas that are often remote and the terrain difficult. Whilst every precaution is taken to ensure the comfort and safety of our customers, these trips do have elements of risk. By taking part in this tour you acknowledge that there are inherent risks and that you are fully aware of the conditions of travel, accommodation and activities offered. You accept that Wilderness Explorers, its staff and sub-contractors cannot be held liable for any accident, illness or similar occurrence. You hereby accept all such risk and release the company from all claims and causes of action arising from any injuries or damages resulting from these inherent risks.

The company will do its best to minimise the effects of matters outside its control but cannot accept liability of these matters which include political disputes, industrial action, refusal of visas, border closures, unforeseeable climatic events, epidemics and pandemics, delayed or cancelled flights etc. Wilderness Explorers may change, modify, rebook or cancel a trip for defined force majeure events

It is the client’s responsibility to obtain adequate personal travel insurance. This insurance should, at a minimum, cover personal accident, medical expenses and repatriation expenses. It is recommended that the coverage extends to include loss of effects, curtailment, cancellation and all other expenses which might arise as a result of loss, damage, injury, delay or inconvenience occurring to the client.

All rates are quoted in US dollars unless otherwise stated. Rates are correct at the time of publishing, but are subject to change without notice. Due to fluctuating world fuel prices, internal airfares cannot be guaranteed and the rate is therefore subject to change. Every effort will be made to maintain the quoted rate. A deposit of 20% is required to confirm any booking and balance of payment is due 30 days before commencement of the trip.

Any cancellation by the client must be in writing and acknowledged by Wilderness Explorers. The date on which the correspondence is received will determine the loss of any monies applicable.

• Cancelled more than 90 days before arrival – full refund, less any money transfer fees.
• Cancelled 60 to 90 days before arrival – 5% administration fee.
• Cancelled 41 to 59 days before arrival – 20%
• Cancelled 31 to 40 days before arrival – 50%.
• Cancelled 2 to 30 days before arrival or no show – 100%.

All services are organised by Wilderness Explorers. Notice is hereby given that all arrangements made on behalf of customers are made by the organisers on the sole condition that the organisers shall not be held responsible for any injury, death, accident, delay, loss, damage or irregularity which may be occasioned through acts of any company and /or persons engaged in carrying out the arrangements and Wilderness Explorers acts as an agent for transport companies, hotels and other contractors and shall not be liable for any injury, damage, loss, delay or irregularity that may occur, including, but not limited to, any defect in a vehicle or any other form of conveying a traveller, acts of God, detention, delays or expenses arising from quarantine, strike, riots, theft, force majeure, civil disturbance, government restrictions or regulation, accident by aircraft, boat, bicycle, motor vehicle or any other form of transport or in any hotel, resort, ranch, guest house, camp or other forms of accommodation.

In the event that any term or condition contained herein is unenforceable or void by operation of law or as being against public policy or for any other reason then such term or condition shall be deemed to be severed from this Agreement or amend accordingly only to such extent necessary to allow all remaining terms and conditions to survive and continue as binding.

Essential Information

American Airlines
British Airways
Caribbean Airlines
Copa Airlines
Inter-Caribbean Airlines
Jet Blue Airlines
Suriname Airways
Gum Air
United Airlines

The following countries do not need a visa: Commonwealth countries, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA. Visa requirements should be checked as requirements can change at any time.

Wilderness Explorers can assist in obtaining permission for a visa on arrival at an additional fee. However, the granting of visas remains at the discretions of the Ministry of Citizenship.

Our number one priority is your safety and welfare.

Paramaribo is a small friendly city. Normal travel precautions for any city are advised. The downtown area is very quiet at night and not worth visiting. Restaurants and bars tend to be out of the city centre, with many focused around the Uitgangs Centrum area near the hotels we use. Uitgangs Centrum is buzzy and quite safe in the evenings.

Once out of the city and into the rainforest it will be isolated with just small villages and you will be perfectly safe. Surinamese people are very friendly and enjoy meeting visitors.

French Guiana
French Guiana is actually a department of France and so in safety terms much the same as being in France. Expect to see gendarmes and even French military (guarding the spaceport and on manoeuvres) and European standard roads. Cayenne is a tiny, sleepy city and normal travel precautions for any city are advised.

We always get the question is Guyana safe? Like any big city, Georgetown has areas that are to be avoided by visitors. But we only use hotels that have good standards and are safe. Most of the time in Georgetown you will be accompanied by our experienced guides and drivers who live in the city. During your free time if you want to visit a bar or restaurant in the evening we recommend a taxi, which is inexpensive. Your hotel will be happy to call one for you.

Once out of Georgetown and into what we call the interior, it is a different scenario. You will be in areas with small villages where everyone greets you with a smile and you will be perfectly safe. Some lodges don’t even have locks on the doors as there is no need. There will always be an experienced guide close by to accompany you on your excursions and bring the rainforest and savannah to life and share their knowledge and experience.

Generally, you will find the Guyanese people extremely friendly and only too willing to help you enjoy their country.

Malaria – Many of the areas you visit in Guyana’s interior will have no malaria. However, it is recommended to take malaria Prophylactics as a precaution on some trips. Please consult your physician before your departure. All beds in the interior have mosquito nets, and on camping trips, hammocks with specially fitted mosquito nets are provided. It is advisable to use insect repellent and wear long sleeves and long trousers at night. The mosquitoes are often more prevalent at dusk and dawn.

Yellow Fever – A Yellow Fever vaccination certificate is required for travellers coming from or transiting from a country with risk of Yellow Fever transmission. Vaccination must be undertaken at least 10 days before travel to, or through Suriname. Suriname recognizes the Yellow Fever vaccination certificate is valid for life starting 10 days after vaccination. Children over 1 year of age are required to have a vaccination certificate. Travellers should carry their vaccination card (Yellow Fever) with them at all times.

In the interior wear casual, comfortable clothing. A shirt with a collar helps protect you from the sun, and a hat and sunglasses are vital. During the day shorts and shirt are fine. In the evening you would want long trousers and a shirt with long sleeves. There is no need to dress up in the interior. You can leave any travel or city clothes in your city hotel or with our office when you are travelling around the interior.

Footwear – Comfortable walking shoes or boots and sandals.

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Birding in Guyana Tour
Group Discount Available
From $7,921
/ Person

Tour Facts

  • 15 days / 14 nights
  • Persons of reasonable fitness level who are avid birders and enjoy wildlife, nature, culture and pristine environments.
  • 4
  • 10
  • 12 Years
  • English
  • Transportation on this journey includes cars, minibus, light aircraft, 4x4 vehicles, and small open boats.
  • Guests are accommodated in a mix of contemporary hotel, rustic rainforest and savannah lodges, and basic indigenous community lodges.
  • 14 breakfasts, 13 lunches, and 13 dinners