Iwokrama River Lodge
Iwokrama River Lodge
Nestled on the banks of the majestic Essequibo River is the Iwokrama River Lodge and Research Centre. The Iwokrama rainforest is located in the geographical heart of Guyana: it comprises one million acres (371,000 hectares) of forest or 1.6% of Guyana’s landmass and 2% of Guyana’s forests. It is part of the Iwokrama International Centre for Rain Forest Conservation and Development, an autonomous non-profit institution established by Guyana and the Commonwealth, founded to promote the conservation and the sustainable and equitable use of tropical rainforests. It aims to show how tropical forests can be conserved and sustainably used for ecological, social and economic benefits to local, national and international communities.
Iwokrama River Lodge has eight perfectly situated river-facing cabins, each of which is spacious and beautifully designed, equipped with fans, bathroom, electricity supplied by solar power, and verandahs with hammocks. From these comfortable cabins, watch the sun go down whilst listening to the many local birds and other wildlife or simply relax in your hammock.
It is a short stroll from the cabins to the Fred Allicock building which houses the dining area, shop, two science laboratories and a conference room plus researchers and administrators’ offices. In the large open-sided dining room guests, Iwokrama staff and visiting researchers have an opportunity to mingle.
Nature trails start around the grounds, leading into the rainforest for excellent birding and wildlife opportunities. Or take a boat trip to explore the river, including a night trip to spotlight for wildlife or visit the nearby petroglyphs. Iwokrama’s most popular excursion is to Turtle Mountain, which offers an exciting hike up a jungle trail to the top of the mountain for fantastic views across the top of the canopy.
Evening or dawn drives along the road are available to search for wildlife, especially seeking out the elusive jaguar. Iwokrama has a healthy population of this apex predator, but you will still require some luck to see one.

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The Iwokrama reserve sits in the heart of Guyana. It is an 8-hour arduous journey by road, but it allows the opportunity to appreciate the endless rainforest of Guyana. The main township in the region, Lethem, is a 4-hour road journey with road connections to Brazil and flights to Georgetown. The most comfortable option is a scheduled or charter flight from Georgetown to the airstrip at Fair View, just a few minutes’ drive from Iwokrama River Lodge.
WiFi access
Conference facilities
Ensuite bathrooms
Solar electricity
Hike up Turtle Mountain
Opportunities for jaguar sightings
Excursions to rapids and an indigenous village
One-million-acre rainforest reserve
Night spotlighting boat trips
Great birdwatching
Rainforest nature trails
Boat trips
View petroglyphs
Visit an Amerindian village