
Purring monkey and vegetarian piranha among 400 new Amazon species

Purring monkey and vegetarian piranha among 400 new Amazon species

Jessica Aldred, theguardian.com
Wednesday 23 October 2013 | Click Here to see the original post

At least 441 new species of animals and plants have been discovered over the past four years in the vast, underexplored rainforest of the Amazon. The discoveries made from 2010 to 2013, include a flame-patterned lizard, a vegetarian piranha, and a monkey that purrs like a cat

A purring monkey, a vegetarian piranha and a flame-patterned lizard are among more than 400 new species of animals and plants that have been discovered in the past four years in the Amazon rainforest, conservationists say.
Discovered through hundreds of scientific expeditions between 2010 to 2013, the total of 441 new species – all new to science – includes 258 plants, 84 fish, 58 amphibians, 22 reptiles, 18 birds and one mammal. This tally does not include discoveries of insects and other invertebrates.
“The more scientists look, the more they find,” said Damian Fleming, head of programmes for Brazil and the Amazon at WWF-UK, which compiled the list. “With an average of two new species identified every week for the past four years, it’s clear that the extraordinary Amazon remains one of the most important centres of global biodiversity.”

Among the new speciesdiscovered is a “purring” Caqueta titi monkey (Callicebus caquetensis) of the Colombian Amazon, whose babies have an endearing trait: “All of the babies purr like cats,” said scientist Thomas Defler, who helped discover the species. “When they feel very content they purr towards each other, and the ones we raised would purr to us.”

A “warpainted lizard” (Gonatodes timidus) was discovered in the part of the Amazon that extends into Guyana. Despite its extraordinary colouring, this lizard is very shy and has a tendency to avoid being seen by humans. Other species are under threat from development. The strictly herbivorous “vegetarian piranha” (Tometes camunani), inhabits rocky rapids in the Brazilian Amason where its main source of food, Podostemaceae aquatic herbs, is found. However, dam projects and mining activity in Pará state are threatening the health and flow of its river habitat.Many of the recently discovered plants and animals have very restricted ranges and are thought to be endemic to small parts of the Amazon. For example, a new fish species (Apistogramma cinilabra) that has adapted to low-oxygen water is unique to one small lake in the Loreto region ofPeru and found nowhere else in the world – making it and other species even more vulnerable.”The richness of the Amazon’s forests and freshwater habitats continues to amaze the world,” added Fleming. “But these same habitats are also under growing threat.Some species may be lost just as they have been discovered, scientists warned. The thumbnail-sized “thimble frog” has been given a Latin name (Allobates amissibilis) meaning “that may be lost”, because it thrives in an area of Guyana that could soon be opened up to tourism.

The discovery of these new species reaffirms the importance of stepping-up commitments to conserve and sustainably manage the unique biodiversity and also the goods and services provided by the rainforests to the people and businesses of the region.”The thumbnail-sized ‘thimble frog’ has been given a Latin name (Allobates amissibilis) meaning ‘that may be lost’, because it thrives in an area that could soon be opened up to tourism. Photograph: Philippe KokThe Amazon ecosystem is the world’s largest tropical rainforest and river system, covering 6.7m square miles shared by Brazil, Bolivia, Peru,Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. It is rich in biodiversity, containing one in 10 of the species known on Earth in 1.4bn acres of dense forest and 4,100 miles of winding rivers.A recent study found that almost 400 billion trees belonging to 16,000 different species grow in the Amazon.
Deforestation, intensive farming, climate change, natural resources extraction and hydropower are among the chief threats to the forest and freshwater ecosystems.
About one-fifth of the Amazon rainforest has already been lost, and deforestation is currently taking place at a rate of three football pitches of a minute, WWF says. In the past eight years, Brazil has slowed the pace of forest clearance by 80%, but roughly 6,000 sq km is still converted to farmland each year.
The Amazon contains 90-140bn metric tonnes of carbon, the release of which through deforestation and land conversion – if not controlled – could accelerate global warming significantly.

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Driver/Office Assistant

Shamir Khan

Shamir Khan hails from Yupukari, a small village in the central Rupununi region of Guyana. With deep ties to his community, he has served as a prominent figure, including roles as a tour guide and a member of the Board of Directors for Caiman House Incorporated. His leadership experience also includes serving as Toshao, the chief of his village, where he played a pivotal role in community development and cultural preservation.

Currently, Shamir works as a driver and office assistant at Wilderness Explorers, where he continues to promote eco-tourism and connect visitors with the natural beauty of his homeland. An avid fisherman, Shamir cherishes opportunities to engage with nature, reflecting his commitment to the environment and traditional practices. 

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Kim is an accounts assistant working for WE in our Georgetown office. With a passion for adventure, she loves exploring nature and observing wildlife, which fuels her enthusiasm for the industry. Though she has been in the tourism sector for less than a year, Kim is eager to immerse herself fully in this dynamic field. Her dedication to her work and her love for travel inspire her to contribute meaningfully to the company’s mission of creating unforgettable experiences for travelers.
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